Preventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes

Being prepared and informed may help you to avoid the messy and often expensive issue of frozen pipes. During Cold Weather, Take Preventative Action Keep garage doors closed if there are water [...]

Light Bulbs…..A Bright Idea!

Light bulbs….. A Bright Idea! Some helpful tips for lighting.  Bathroom Task lighting is tricky in the bathroom. Cool light is often recommended, but it can distort colors when applying makeup. [...]

Is Your Kitchen Old & Tired ?

Whether you’re planning to stay in your home for years or anticipate selling it in the near future, remodeling an outdated kitchen is an investment worth making. A remodeled kitchen adds [...]

8 Things to Know About Finishing a Basement

The basement doesn’t need to be that dark, dreary area where no one wants to spend time. 1. Expect a payback. Finishing a basement can be a good investment. According to cost versus value surveys [...]

What To Look For When It’s Time To Upgrade Your HVAC System

HVAC units incorporate industry improvements every year. If your unit is 10 years old or older, consider upgrading to a new system. The price may be worth the boost in efficiency. Check Energy [...]